Thursday, July 9, 2009

Benne Biscut

Hmmmmmm......Hmmmmmmmmmmm. Let me list Bengaluru bakery stuffs:Benne Biscuit, Kobbari Biscuit,Dilpasand,Puffs, Stuffed Bun , Khara bun Honey cake……etc etc etc.I am sure before you complete reading this, your mouth must be watering.:)

"Benne Biscut" is my all time favorite. Off course I like Mom prepared benne biscuit the most.
When i was kid I used to cry if she distributes it to others.during that time She didn't had Micro oven but she had regular electric oven. With electric oven its not very easy to bake unlike micro oven. even with all difficulties she used to prepare it for me.

I just bought some benne biscuit from bakery. I really didn't liked it and I just passed it to my husband. Next moment I called mom and collected recipe from her and prepared it. benne biscut came out really well.

Benne biscuit

You need to have:

1 cup all purpose flour/maida
100 gm butter(unsalted)/benne
1 cup powder sugar/sakarre pudi
1 tbs baking power
2-3 cardamoms /ellakki

If u have regular sugar then put it into mixer and make powder of it. add cardamoms into sugar while making powder. it gives nice aroma.

Mix sugar,butter with the help of hand blunder. if not then mix with palms. Mix till it forms small bubles . then add baking powder and maida. preapre dough out of it. the dough should be like chapati dough.

make small balls out of it and press each on palms to give biscuit shape.

arrange them on baking try and bake them for 5-8 mins in grill mode.

After that take out them from oven and allow to cool down.

Store them in air tight container to maintain crispness.


  1. looks nice.... will try today...

  2. Nice one neethu...
    My mom used to prepare similar kind of biscuit using ghee, sugar and bengal gram flour. That also tastes great! Kendada mele kaavali ittu beyistha iddaddu...
    I will try it out some day.. thanks for the recipe..

  3. @Maddy
    Thanks da. Try all recipes. It will be useful for your wife.:))

  4. @Veni
    Thanks veni:).I have to try with Bengal gram flour.

  5. @ Hey neethu amma na hatra ninne recipe kelde... avru Maida/All Purpose flour use maadodu andru.... same as urs :) Sorry for the misinformation!
