Saturday, July 25, 2009

Strawberry Ice-cream

The Ice-Cream which I am posting now is 20-25 years old one. I got this recipe from my dad.Even though the Ice-Cream classes were attended by Mom(20 years back), she never prepares it . It will be always prepared by dad. I told him about my blog and he immediately sent an hard copy of the recipe.Its very simple and can be prepared with very less effort.So lets not delay :)

You need to have

3 cups of milk
4tbs milk powder
7tbs sugar
1tbs liquid glucose
1/4 tbs C.M.C
1/4 tbs G.M.S
1 tbs corn flour
4-5 drops of Strawberry essence
250 gms fresh cream

Glycerol monostearate, commonly known as GMS, is an organic molecule used as an emulsifier
Carboxymethyl cellulose commonly known as (CMC) is used in food science as a viscosity modifier or thickener.

Mix milk powder, sugar,corn flour and C.M.C in 1/4 cup cold milk and make a paste.

Keep rest of the milk to boil. just when it comes to boil, add the above mixture (Stir continuously).

Let milk boil. Then add liquid glucose to it.

Make a mixture of G.M.S in 1 tbs of water and boil it.Add the mixture to boiling milk.

just allow it to boil for some time and remove from fire. Strain the milk and allow it to cool.

Set it at coolest temperature in the fridge. After the Ice-Cream becomes hard, remove it .

Churn the Ice-Cream in the mixie. After it becomes soft, add cream, Strawberry essence and churn again.

Put the Ice-Cream back in the fridge and allow it to set.

Serve with fruit salad, cherries and nuts.

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