Monday, January 10, 2011

Puliyogare(With Ready made Mix)

Puliyogare is one of quick and easy dish if we have puliyogare Gojju ready.But Preparing Puliyogare gojju is bit complex and lengthy process.
Till I was in India I used to get Puliyogare Gojju botel every month from my mom. but after moving to US of A I really have to repend upon ready made Puliyogare mix.
I have got the recipe for Puliyogare Gojju from My mom will shortly share the recipe with you guys.

Till then here is the fast and very easy Puliyogare recipe made from MTR Puliyogare Mix.

1/2 tsp MTR Puliyogare Mix
1 cup cooked White Rice
1/4 tsp Mustard seeds
1/4 tsp Blackgram seeds
1/4 tsp Bengalgram seeds
5-10 Ground nuts
5-Curry leaves
1 tsp tamarind juice
4-5 tsp Oil

Add mustard seeds, bengalgram seeds, blackgarm seeds,Ground nuts ,curry leaves and oil in a thickbottomed vessel.

Once it turns golden in color, add MTR Puliyogare mix ,tamarind juice
and fry it for about 2 min in medium flame. Add cooked rice and stir well for 2-3 mins and serve curd.


  1. Hey thanks :) I was looking for this...thought there are instructions behind the MTR mix pack, they aren't very clear...I'm glad u put this up :)

  2. Thank you so much:) It really helped me (A lazy bug who cant go outside and have food) :P
