Friday, February 4, 2011

Pineapple Kesaribath

Simple mouthwatering sweet.I guess this does not require anymore explanation :)

You Need To Have:
1 1/2 cup pineapple cut into small cubes
1 cup fine semolina/chiroti rave
1 cup sugar
1/2 cup ghee
10-12 cashewnuts
10-12 raisains
1/4 tsp cardamom powder
2 cups water


Take fine semolina in a thick bottomed pan. add 1 tsp ghee and fry it on really low flame until nice aroma spreads. take care not to burn the semolina.

Remove semolina from pan and keep it aside.

Take pineapple cubes,add 1 tsp ghee and fry pineapple till they start careamlizing . add 2 cups of water and sugar to cooked pineapple and bring it to boil.
 slowly pour semolina from one hand and continously stir from other hand so that no lumps are formed.

Pour remaining ghee and cover lid. simmer for 2-3 mins.
Meanwhile fry cashewnuts and raisains in 1 tsp ghee and add it to kesaribath. Finally sprinkle cardamom powder and turn off flame.
Pineapple kesribath is ready to serve.

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