Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Potato Raitha/Alugadde Mosaru Gojju

Mashed potato , onion mixed with yogurt.Tampered with Green chilies and Asafotida.

You Need To Have:

1 Big Potato Boiled and chopped
1 medium size onion chopped finely
1 cup yogurt
2-3 green chilies
1/2 tsp mustard seeds
1/2 tsp cumin seeds
pinch of asafotida
2-3 curry leaves
Salt to taste
1 tsp oil


 Take boiled potato cubes in a mixing bowl. Heat oil in tadka pan, add mustard seeds, cumin seeds to. once they start spluttering add chopped green chilies ,curry leaves asafotida powder to it. Add this to potato cubes.

Add chopped onion , yogurt and salt to it.With clean hands mix all ingrediants and smash potato cubes.

Serve with plain rice.

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