Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Common and famous south Indian bread.

You Need To Have:
1 cup Maida/all purpose flour
1/2 cup Fine semolina/chiroti rave
1/2 tsp red chilly powder
salt to taste
oil(1 tsp +for deep frying)

Take all the above ingrediants into a mixing bowl except oil. Prepare dough by adding required amount of water. Knead the dough for 3-4 mins atleast.

Add oil at end and knead for 2-3 mins and keep it aside for 30 mins(its very important else puri's will not puff up).

Take lemon size dough  and roll it into circle with help of rolling pin. (Don't roll it too thin else puri'swill go flat).

Heat oil in deep frying pan and deep fry puri's .(With  help of spoon, sprinkle hot oil over puris)

Serve hot puri's with Sagu or any kind of gravy.

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